Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clinton Vs Obama: As seen on flickr

What do you do when you want to become president of the USA? There's quite a few things to think about but you wouldn't think that keeping your flickr account up to date would be one of them. You'd be wrong though.

Yes, both Clinton and Obama can boast a high turnout as far as uploaded photographs go. It seems that every moment has been recorded for the candidates and despite trawling through a good 20 pages per politician, I haven't seen them holding the babies up just yet.

Now I have my doubts that they really are spending so much time online but I'm no sceptic when it comes to the question of communicating with as wider audience as possible. Gone are the days of radio, tv and newspaper battles, replaced instead with online blogs, video sharing websites and even, it would appear, photo sharing ones too?

What next? Bebo?

You can browse Hillary's photostream here. Obama's is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a look at TechPresident, a US site that tracks the Presidential Candidates progress by measuring their social media presence - flickr photos, youtube views, myspace friends, etc etc.